Your car could ruin your retirement. Yes, you read that correctly. The car you choose to drive could ruin your retirement, even if you think the car you choose is a reasonable, non-luxury option. How is this possible? To begin, I want you to think of any car commercial you’ve seen recently on TV or… [Continue Reading]
“God Will Take Care of Me” Is Not a Retirement Plan
In the spring of 2004, I was in my second semester of MDiv. studies in seminary, and before class one day, I overheard some nearby classmates discussing with each other whether or not someone in ministry ever truly retires. If you’re either already in ministry or are currently training to be a minister, I would… [Continue Reading]
“Am I Ready to Invest?” Part 5: High-Interest Debt
High-interest debt will crush you. A hyperbolic statement? Perhaps, but not by much. If you haven’t yet read through the four posts on emergency funds (1, 2, 3, 4) prior to getting to this post, you should, because everything I’m going to say here about high-interest debt assumes that you’ve built an emergency fund of… [Continue Reading]
“Am I Ready to Invest?” Part 4: Emergency Fund FAQs
Welcome to the final post about emergency funds in our “Am I Ready to Invest?” series! Some quick links to the other three posts in case you need to catch up: “Am I Ready to Invest?” Part 1: The Emergency Fund (Do I need one?)“Am I Ready to Invest?” Part 2: The Emergency Fund Amount… [Continue Reading]
The First Step to Becoming an Investor
Every journey begins with a first step, and believe me, investing is a journey. How is it a journey? Well, start by thinking about what exactly a journey is. When we talk about taking a journey, we’re talking about a trip from one point to another. We start at a beginning point, wherever that is,… [Continue Reading]