Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past two weeks (late Jan. – early Feb. 2021), not encountering any news whatsoever, you’ve surely heard GameStop mentioned more than a few times in relation to the stock market. In quick succession, GameStop’s stock skyrocketed in price only to come plummeting back down closer to… [Continue Reading]
The Relationship between Stocks and Bonds
In the two previous posts, I covered what stocks are as an asset class and what bonds are as an asset class. In this post, I’ll be covering the relationship between stocks and bonds and what that means for you as an investor. To begin, I’d like to draw your attention back to two statements… [Continue Reading]
What Are Stocks?
Over the course of the blog thus far, I’ve covered pretty much all of the preliminary information I wanted to cover before getting into investing itself. The purpose behind doing so was simple: Assuming you, the reader, were starting from square one with little (if anything) already invested and with little investing knowledge, I needed… [Continue Reading]